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From Piggy Banks to Paychecks: Teaching Kids to Save at Every Age

First State Bank Nebraska piggy bank
From Piggy Banks to Paychecks: Teaching Kids to Save at Every Age Saving money is a fundamental skill that can set children up for a lifetime of financial stability and success. From the moment they understand the concept of money, parents can begin instilling the value of saving. But teaching kids to save isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach – it evolves with age and understanding. Let’s explore some age-appropriate strategies for cultivating the saving habit in children at every stage of their development. Early Years (Ages 3-6) In the early years, children are just beginning to grasp the basics of money. Coins and bills start to become fascinating tools for learning. Here’s how parents can start teaching saving habits to kids 3-6 years-old: Use visual aids. Introduce piggy banks or clear jars so children can physically see their money grow. Let them decorate their own piggy bank to create a sense of ownership. Set savings goals. Help children identify

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